How To Group Text Boxes In Word

How to select multiple shapes or objects in word?

Press and hold CTRL while you select the shapes, pictures, or objects that you want to group. The Wrap Text option for each object must be other than In line with Text. For more info, see Wrap Text. Go to Drawing Tools or Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, select Group. To group several objects. The Arrange group, click the Group command: Right-click one of the objects and choose Group - Group from the popup menu: Word puts a single box around the objects instead of a separate box around each object. A callout is a type of text box that also includes a line for pointing to any location on the document. Opening a Word Document: Launch MS Word. Double-click on the program’s icon on the desktop to. Automatically the cursor pointer turned as a Mug. Then click on the 2 nd text box to create the link in between the first text box and the second one.; If you would like to create a link between 2 nd Text Box to 3 rd one, then select the 2 nd Text Box to add a link from it to the next one.; Then click on the Create Link in the Text group on the Format tab. Click to insert one of these into your document. Depending on the Text Wrapping property of the selected text box, it may sit on top of text, behind. Now, to reveal the text wrapping property of the inserted text box, click the text box on the borders. Text Box Tools tab appears on the Ribbon.

How can you quickly select multiple shapes or objects in Word? This article will show you the following tricky things to select shapes or object quickly in your document.

Select multiple shapes or objects with Select feature
Quickly select all shapes in current document with Kutools for Word

Select multiple shapes or objects with Select feature

Select multiple adjacent shapes or objects at once:

1. Click Select > Select Objects under Home tab. See screenshot:

2. Draw a box over the shapes or objects to select them all at once. See screenshot:

Note: press the Esc key can release the selection.

How To Group Text Boxes In Word 2016

Select multiple non-adjacent shapes or objects at once:

1. Click Select > Selection Pane under Home tab. See screenshot:

2. Then the Selection pane is display on the right side of document, and all objects are listed out. Please hold down the Ctrl key, click on the object name one by one to select them at once. See screenshot:

Quickly select all shapes in current document with Kutools for Word

If you want to select all shapes at once time in current document, the select Shapes utility of Kutools for Word will do you a good favor. Please do as follows.

Kutools for Word : With more than 100 handy Word add-ins, free to try with no limitation in 60 days.

Just click Kutools > Shapes. See screenshot:

How To Group Text Boxes In Word

Then all shapes in current document are selected immediately.

Kutools for Word includes more than 100 powerful features and tools for Microsoft Word. Free to try with no limitation in 60 days. Download the free trial now!

Tip: If there are multiple embedded object such as Word object, Viso object and so on in your document, and you want to select them all at the same time, you can apply the Select Enbed Objectparagraphs utility of Kutools for Word to acheive it. Please click Kutools > Paragraphs > Select Enbed Object paragraphs. See screenshot:

Kutools for Word: with more than 100 handy Word add-ins, free to try with no limitation in 60 days. Download and free trial Now!

Demo: Quickly select all shapes in current document with Kutools for Word

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How To Group Text Boxes In Word

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How To Ungroup Text Boxes In Word

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Create Text Box In Word

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    Thanks for your knowledge guys!
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    Not 'SHIFT or CTRL', but 'SHIFT and CTRL', to select multiple shapes or objects.
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    Does not work in word 2010. Holding shift/ctrl does not work.
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    the latest version of word is many steps backwards in terms of user friendliness..
    utterly useless
    the guys who designed it need firing
    the guys that agreed to put this out to market were even more stupid