Brew Zsh

  1. Brew Zsh-autosuggestions
  2. Brew Zsh Git Completion
  3. Brew Zsh-syntax-highlighting


On macOS, install with Homebrew:

On Ubuntu Linux:

Initial configuration

Type zsh and then follow the prompt toconfiguration zsh

Brew shack design ideas

Brew Zsh-autosuggestions

Assuming you used the brew reinstall git command instead of brew install git, and assuming you still have Command Line Tools installed, then I would first install gettext and pcre2 as git needs them. Brew reinstall gettext.followed by: brew reinstall pcre2 and then. Brew reinstall git If that doesn't work you could try all the commands again but with install instead of. 4 The one-liner installation method found on requires a Bourne-compatible shell (e.g. Notably, fish, tcsh and csh will not work. Notably, fish, tcsh and csh will not work. Zsh (I believe it is pronounced zee-shell, though zish is fun to say) will succeed bash as the default shell. Bash has been the default shell since Mac OS X 10.3 Panther. This series has grown into a book: reworked and expanded with more detail and topics.

Install Prezto

Presto isa configuration framework for Zsh.

  1. Launch Zsh:

  2. Clone the repository:

    If installing the 'paradox' prompt theme:

  3. Create a new Zsh configuration by copying the Zsh configurationfiles provided:

    If it gives any warnings, you may need to remove the previouslyexisting configuration files .zsh* and.prezto*.

  4. Set Zsh as your default shell:

Use the 'default' zsh:

If on macOS and if zsh was installed using Homebrewas /usr/local/bin/zsh:

does not actually work. Use System Preferences > Users &Groups > unlock, select the user, right click and open 'AdvancedOptions...', change shell to /usr/local/bin/zsh.

References: ** *

  1. Open a new Zsh terminal window or tab.

Customize command prompt

Brew Zsh Git Completion

Brew Zsh-syntax-highlighting

Modularizing .bashrc and .zshrc

Depending on if Bash or Zsh is used, either .bashrcis loaded which in turn loads .bashrc_meng or.zshrc is loaded which in turn loads.zshrc_meng.

.bashrc_meng and .zshrc_meng loads themain entry file .bashrc-zshrc_main which loads othersmaller OS-dependent and computer-dependent configurationfiles.
